
Ακρορριζεκτομή Απονεύρωση

Sometimes, teeth that have been treated endodontically in the past, may show some symptoms at a later time, such as swelling, pain, small pimple in the gum area (abscess) for various reasons. In these cases it is necessary to repeat the endodontic treatment of the tooth.

In some cases, however, we have to intervene also surgically.

The surgical treatment (apicectomy) is performed by making an incision in the gums at the point where the lower part of the tooth is located. Then we perform a thorough cleaning of the bone from the inflammation, we remove the infected tooth apex and sometimes make a filling at the bottom part of the root to seal the root canal of the tooth.

This cures the symptoms of the tooth and allows us to keep it successfully in the mouth for a long period.

Ακρορριζεκτομή Απονεύρωση
Ακρορριζεκτομή Απονεύρωση
Ακρορριζεκτομή Απονεύρωση
Ακρορριζεκτομή Απονεύρωση
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